Wealthy Family Practice

1. to make easier or less difficult; help forward (an action, a process, etc.)
2. to assist the progress of (a person).

Coaching facilitates conversations and discovery.
Conversations facilitate thinking and learning.
Learning facilitates knowledge and understanding.
Knowledge facilitates planning and deciding.
Deciding facilitates action.
Planning and action facilitate the future.

Coaching, therefore, facilitates the future.

As deeply experienced executive coaches, we are practiced and expert in asking the right
questions and instigating, and facilitating, the difficult conversations needed to achieve
alignment of purpose, mission, and goals with our clients, whether they are individuals,
or a leadership group exploring options, resolving differences, determining common
objectives, and identifying strategies.

These are the same skills we employ, and experiences we draw on, when a wealthy family,
or the heir or successor leaders engage us to work with them. Skills not acquired quickly or easily,
rather through many years of working with dynamic, intelligent,
strong and intentional individuals, entrepreneurs, business executives and teams. The meek need not apply.

Recognizing we have earned the requisite confidence and facilitation skills through working
with our corporate clientele, wealthy families engage us to help them through the difficult
discussions they foresee and feel necessary, customarily aimed at finding common ground
among their family members. Every family wrestling with the future management of their
family assets face certain common fundamental issues, yet always in their own unique circumstance.
Whether the challenges are consensus on wealth management, distribution,
generational transfer, disposition of the family business, investment and tax decisions,
a comprehensive strategic plan, the desired legacy, or next generation leadership,
we can assist our clients through the process and with formulating an action plan for moving forward.

Because we do not counsel on wealth management in any way, there is never a conflict of
interest or agenda. We are there to support our clients in conversation and pursuit of their
mission and goals, individually and as families. We are privileged to help them
define that mission and the attendant plan to accomplish it. We bring our well-honed skills,
our dedication to support, and solutions to these critical endeavors.